Parkinson's law

美 [ˈpɑːrkɪnsnz lɔː]英 [ˈpɑːkɪnsnz lɔː]
  • n.帕金森定律(工作总是到时限最后一刻才会完成)
Parkinson's lawParkinson's law


the idea that work will always take as long as the time available for it

  1. Tim Ferriss is a major advocate for the principal of Parkinson 's Law & which , simply put , posits that a task can become leagues more difficult the longer a deadline .


  2. MartinWolf , chief economic commentator : Parkinson 's Law : The Pursuitof Progress , by Cyril Northcote Parkinson ( 1958 )


  3. Parkinson 's Law of Data : Data expands to fill the space available .


  4. An extension of parkinson 's law applies to computers and their related equipment : they expand to fill the room available .


  5. Parkinson 's Law of Sience : The progress of science varies inversely with the number of journals published .


  6. In traditional project scheduling management , although all tasks of the project have much safety time , but most projects still delay because of the impact of student syndrome and Parkinson 's Law .


  7. This , surely , is a version of Parkinson 's law of triviality , which states that the amount of time we spend thinking about something is in inverse proportion to its importance .


  8. Parkinson 's Second Law : Expenditures rise to meet income .


  9. Parkinson 's Fourth Law : The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done .
